Work With Me

"Why try to fit in when you are born to stand out"

How my unique approach gets to the results in a fraction of the time...

I have been told I have a unique gift of hearing to identify if you are totally aligned in body, mind, and spirit. Which helps me coach you into going deeper into yourself to find what still needs to be heard.

In healing work, I utilize 5D energies, which create faster results. This energy has entered the Earth as of 12/12/12.

What my friends know about me

  • I'm into sustainability, permaculture, and organic

  • My favorite vacation MUST include a spa

  • I've lived in the Midwest all my life.

  • I am a Gemini with at least two personalities.

  • I make sure I learn something new each year.

  • I love to read. Spiritual Books, JD Robb & Nora Roberts (need some fun time)

  • I try to spend as much time as I can with my grandchildren


I've been described as "determined" and "straightforward" by those that know me. My determination along with my ability to scale challenges
provides an approach to inspire others to fulfill their dreams and find freedom.

In my spiritual life, for more than 15 years, I've studied various metaphysical and holistic methods. I earned an associate degree in metaphysics, which includes the study of the application of universal laws. I'm a certified Diamond Light Priestess, certified energy healer, certified LightWorker, as well as a spiritual minister.
I'm also a certified soul coach. All these studies and experiences have provided me the ability to help you transform into the beautiful soul that you are.

In my corporate life, I've had over 30 years IT experience in areas of IT Asset Management, Project Management, Application Development. I've earned a Masters in Business Administration, and an Associate in Accounting.

In my personal life, I live for subtle activism for Mother Earth. From organic gardening to sustainable living, my enthusiasm drives me to learn and
experience as much as I can, from gobbling up as much reading on the subject, to implementation of the ideas.

What I offer

  • Fulfill a sense of adventure as you brave your way to find your freedom

  • Reveal endless possibilities to influence your surroundings

  • Breakthrough to tap into all your innate intelligence

  • Feel a sense of belonging as you fully trust yourself in all situations

  • Fully love yourself as you reveal your incredible essence

©2024 Embody Your Authentic Self

All Rights Reserved

Service Division of Quintessence Creations, Inc

(847) 744-8266