Living with 5D Energy

What is the difference between 3D & 5D? How can a person start living in 5D energy?

  • 5D energy is 5th dimensional energy. 3D is 3rd dimensional energy (This is where most people live)

  • 5th dimensional energy entered this earth on 12/12/2012, which made the higher energies more easily available to everyone. These higher energies allow you to move from fear, anger, which are lower frequencies, into courage, willingness, acceptance, love joy which are higher frequencies. These higher energies work faster. It is no longer a struggle to change.

  • The way to these higher frequencies is to let go / release all the ‘lower energies’ you have collected, to spend more time in the higher frequencies. The more you do this, you will see how life is easier, you now can more easily see the opportunities the Universe is presenting, which you can evaluate and ‘fine tune’ your thoughts.

  • To start doing this yourself you can change your thoughts and actions. Forgive YOURSELF. This is not about forgiving someone else. It is about where YOU want to energetically spend your time and live in the higher vibrations.

  • Getting help from a ‘metaphysician,” someone who can help you remove what no longer works.

So how can I get help in accessing and living in 5D energies

1 Purchase Litios Crystals

2 work with Metaphysician

I am a Diamond Light Priestess



Click above to learn more about how I can help and book an initial consultation

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Service Division of Quintessence Creations, Inc

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